
Happy Birthday, Oldlandish Josh!

Partly due to a quip on the invitation to the effect of "creepy old man time" on Josh's 30th birthday party invitation and partly due to afternoon tipsiness, Suzi, Matt and I hatched a plan for a gag gift.

A "old man" care package of sorts... Grecian 5 hair dye, a hot/cold pack, Geritol tonic, a package of day and night underpads, bingo markers, an enema, and documentation on male incontinence, Viagra, Cialis, and an AARP membership form.

Drupalcon: Thoughts, Experiences

I've been meaning to write something about going to DC, and DrupalCon and all that jazz. I suppose I ought to, it's been... holy crap... almost a month. I've never been good about blogging about events, I'm usually too excited to write something near to when it's happened and then by the time that I get around to it.... I don't really want to be writing about that anymore and I make it all sound so droll...

The Overwhelming Sadness

When I opened up Google Reader this morning, a post from Kel read "There are no words... only tears." I knew immediately what I was going to find next... opening her entry confirmed the horrible truth, the one lone comment contained the name Natalie. Her son, Devin Alin, was stillborn.

Lifestyle Changes

I'm having one of those evenings where I'm feeling utterly depressed about a bunch of things...

There are three main things bothering me right now. One, I'm disorganized and easily distracted (hence the FlyLadying), to the point where I have a hard time FLYing because I get distracted doing that. Two, I'm fat and while I'm not happy about that, I can't seem to get myself to do much of anything to remedy that situation. Three, I feel like I have no friends and I've been sent out to battle everything alone.

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