
What Nikkiana's Been Up To...

How to Scare an Arc (and Consequently a Nikkiana)


If there's ever an Arc sleeping on your couch, don't jump on him like a kitty-cat mid-dream. Otherwise there will be an Arc screaming in terror and a Nikkiana plastered to the ceiling in fright. That is all.

Life Update

It's been awhile since I've really written much of anything, so as an update on my life...

In the middle of August I had my last day at Advomatic, I had a wonderful time working with them, but it was time to move on to bigger and brighter things. What I'm doing for now is theming work for Sony/BMG. (I got to do Billy Joel's theme!)

The 4th on the Lake

We did end up seeing the fireworks last night. Our friend Kyle's family has a cottage up on the lake, so we went up there yesterday evening to hang out and have a cookout and then went down and watched the Wolfeboro fireworks and got ice cream, then came back to the cottage and sat out by the lake and had some beers.

Kyle putting on the top of the grill.


Egads... I haven't blogged in a week. Whoops. I had a hard week last week, not something I particularly want to get into the nitty-gritty details of, but I came out of last week feeling acutely unbalanced... and despite my valiant efforts to balance myself in recent months... the psychological help, the medication, and all... while there has been some notable improvement, things aren't really all that much better in a practical day to day get things done sense.


It's been... a rough week.

Nothing particularly bad happened per se, but emotionally I've been on edge... Probably partially attributable to the curse and most likely a direct result of the fact that took the last pill of my ADHD medication on Tuesday and didn't go and get more until Friday.

The medication situation was just me being lazy.


Writing about movies I've watched has never been one of my strong suits. Usually information that comes into my brain by way of the tube tends to literally go in one ear and out the other, but what I watched last night is worth mentioning... The Business of Being Born.

Coming to Terms

In January, shortly before my twenty-fourth birthday, I was diagnosed with ADHD predominately inattentive type.

I Just Want to Shred My Documents, Man!


There is one teeny tiny little thing I don't like about apartment living... It's the whole having to be considerate of neighbors in regards to your noise level at night thing.

Hi There!


What exactly are you supposed to say in the first entry of your new blog? Welcome everyone. I figured it was time for a fresh start. I'm still in the development phase, so if something doesn't look right, let me know.

I've decided to use Drupal this time around because that's theming Drupal sites is what I do for a living, it seemed to make sense.... I also I wanted to try out some new modules, and it seemed to be a good opportunity.

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