Happy Birthday, Oldlandish Josh!
Partly due to a quip on the invitation to the effect of "creepy old man time" on Josh's 30th birthday party invitation and partly due to afternoon tipsiness, Suzi, Matt and I hatched a plan for a gag gift.
A "old man" care package of sorts... Grecian 5 hair dye, a hot/cold pack, Geritol tonic, a package of day and night underpads, bingo markers, an enema, and documentation on male incontinence, Viagra, Cialis, and an AARP membership form.
Don't worry, I made up for the gag by giving him a bottle of 18 year Glenlivet single malt scotch and a mix cd, which has the most awesome cover ever....
Featuring a photo taken of Josh at the code sprint at DrupalconBoston2008 and Studio Flergs - Evilicious.
The rest of the photos are here.
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