

I am thoroughly convinced that I have got to have some of the strangest issues when it comes to the overall concept of routines and having a routine.

Distractable Days

Today has just been one of those damn days.... I get in this funk sometimes where EVERYTHING... and I really do mean EVERYTHING distracts me.... to the point where I can literally get nothing done... Little things will distract me and send me way off course...

For example, if someone at work mentions the link to a silly video on YouTube on one of my distractable days, I could click on that link and then literally spend two hours on YouTube before I noticed that I hadn't done any work.

Back In The Saddle Again

Being Tuesday, I had to get up this morning and take Matt to work, so when I got home, I decided to do my morning FlyLady routine. I'm back in the saddle again!

FLYing... Or at least trying to.

Well, I guess starting a new blog isn't doing anything for my blogging frequency... but then again, there hasn't been much to blog about. Last week seemed to be like one huge blur where I got hardly anything accomplished. This is driving me crazy. Why can't I seem to focus on anything for more than five minutes? Why does it seem like I've done absolutely NOTHING all day long?!?

Well... I suppose I haven't done entirely nothing all week long, but it just seems that way.

The Weekend

For the most part, it was a fairly productive weekend. I slept in on Saturday, and had the hankering to knit, problem being none of my WIPs were exactly what I wanted to knit... I have a dishcloth in progress, but I'm out of one of the colors of yarn, and I sorta want it to be uniformly colored... I have three socks going, but two of them were lace and required more concentration than I wanted to give, and the other is the most boring K2, P2 rib and not only is it boring, it's slow and on size 0 needles.

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