Holy Smokes, Batman! She Actually Themed Her Site!

Yes, your eyes are NOT deceiving you. I actually did theme my site. From scratch. For the first time since... since... I don't know, probably something like 2002.

For someone who's actually employed doing this stuff that's probably remarkably sad.

No, I didn't do all the design work. Hardcore design work isn't so much in my realm of duties or abilities unfortunately... but credit is obviously due to the folks who did do the design work.

The header is made up of digital scrapbooking elements, used here with permission. The cardboard frames are from Cardboard Frame Trio by Traci Sims and all the other elements, and the background paper are from Februrary Color Challenge by Jeanette Bollinger.

Artistic arrangement of elements for header goes to me. Drag and drop is about all the design I can handle. Eye-wink And I still made the damn thing a bit too big. Oh well. As does credit for theming. If it's broken in your browser of choice, feel free to check with me to see if I care. Knock on wood, it should be fine in all. The only thing I didn't check was IE7 because I don't feel like crashing my computer at the moment.


Very nice!

I think the website looks very nice! Love the header!

As for the part about making the theme from scratch.. hehe.. I totally understand that! I haven't made a website theme in ages... The theme communities for our blogging software have made us a bit lazier with site creation, but gave us more time for content creation! You've inspired me. I need to make some new and original themes. Smiling

Looks fine in Safari

But then, you've probably known that.

For the past few years I've grown to hate messing with themes. I basically just got tired of all the ways that things can break when viewed in xyz browser.

I'm also sensitive to the fact that some folks (like my folks) are still on dialup or surf via a mobile phone so I tend to keep things lightweight.

love the colour!

*hugs* it's sweet Smiling Given I haven't been inspire to theme since... hmm maybe when I was on b2 I'm super impressed Eye-wink

=^.^= Mew?

I think it looks GORGEOUS!!

I think it looks GORGEOUS!!


I think it looks awesome! What a change. And hey, it's not at all shameful to not theme your own site. I feel ya. I theme sites day in and day out. That is the last thing I want to do when I get home. Besides, I am so much more critical of myself when designing something for me. Smiling

Oh my dearest Nikki, It

Oh my dearest Nikki,
It looks wonderful. I love love love the pink. I might have to steal the hex to use myself in some work Smiling

Love it.

Love it. Smiling

It's so... PINK.

I think I may go blind if I stare at it for too long. Eye-wink

Just kidding! I like it. Now I want to spend the rest of today creating a theme for my own blog.

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